Media Releases - 2011
Brain Injury Research Unit picks up international award (PDF)
The physiotherapy team at Liverpool Hospital’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) has won an award in Holland for their research.
Physiotherapists from the Unit won an award for the best research report presentation at the 16th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy.
Permanent appointment of Liverpool Hospital General Manager (PDF)
South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWS LHD) today announced the permanent appointment of Anthony Schembri as General Manager of Liverpool Hospital.
Unit renamed in memory of Dr Brennan (PDF)
The Sexual Assault Unit at Liverpool Hospital has been renamed in honour of the late Dr Patricia Brennan, who passed away in March this year.
Closing date looms for local health management program (PDF)
Graduates looking for a career in health management have until 14 November to enrol in a two-year Graduate Health Management Development Program run through the Sydney and South Western Sydney Local Health Districts.
Campbelltown Hospital wins major award (PDF)
Campbelltown Hospital has won a prestigious NSW Ministry of Health Award for a project which addresses the pain management needs of children who visit the Emergency Department.
New BreastScreen equipment for south western Sydney women (PDF)
Liverpool women will benefit from a new $200,000 prone table at the Liverpool BreastScreen clinic, which will provide significant advantages for doctors and improved comfort for women during breast biopsies.
Open Day at Liverpool Hospital to increase Aboriginal employment (PDF)
This Friday (14 October) Liverpool Hospital will host an Open Day for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, highlighting jobs and career paths.
Stop smoking and let your body heal (PDF)
The overwhelming majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers in south west and inner west Sydney would like to quit if they had the right support, according to research announced at the launch of the Aboriginal Tobacco Control Project in Redfern today.
New artists emerge from the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (PDF)
Patients from Liverpool Hospital’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU)* are the focus of a recent art exhibition held at Campbelltown Arts Centre.