Vision and Strategies

South Western Sydney Local Health District Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 Framework

Our strategic plan will guide us for the next five years, through clear goals and priorities that will be translated into action.

Future focus

Our new strategy focused on meeting the unique needs of the south west. Understanding the needs of our diverse and multicultural communities, building trust in our services and improving health literacy will be key to our work in the next five years.

We learnt much during the COVID-19 pandemic and must apply the new ways of working and accelerate the innovation and partnerships forged during such a significant challenge.

As a health service we are responsible for the sustainability of our services, the appropriate use of community funds and our impact on our environment.

We can improve the way we work so that more funds can be re-directed back into care, services and improvements. We can also look at the environmental impacts of our service, how the environment affects the health of our communities, and the role we play making south western Sydney an attractive place to live, learn, work and play.

Embedding Transforming Your Experience

With every decision we make. With each interaction we have. With each question we ask ourselves, our patients and each other, we have an opportunity to transform the experience of our staff, patients and consumers.

Transforming Your Experience is the lens through which we view every decision and action and is underpinned by strategies and tools to support patient-focused decision-making.


New Vision, Mission and Strategic Directions

Our new Strategic Plan 2022-27 Framework clearly articulates our priorities and focus areas through our Vision, Mission and five Strategic Directions that will drive our activities for the next five years.

It builds on the NSW Premier’s Priorities , NSW Health Future Health: Guiding the next decade of care in NSW 2022-2032 and our District’s clinical services planning.

SWSLHD produces a range of plans to support us to achieve our vision of Leading care, healthier communities.  Active and recent plans can be obtained on the Publications page.  Plans which are no longer current but provide historical information are available in our Archive.

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Page last updated: 06 October, 2023