Privacy Statement for South Western Sydney Local Health District website

How does South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) protect your privacy?
South Western Sydney Local Health District respects an individual's right to privacy as established under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. SWSLHD does not allow the publication of information that identifies or may identify an individual (unless they have consented). As a matter of public interest statistical data about the use and management of SWSLHD & SWSLHD facilities and the health of the population, are made available on SWSLHD websites.

Links to external (non-SWSLHD) sites are sometimes included in web pages for the convenience of site users. SWSLHD does not have any responsibility for the privacy practices of third party sites linked to sites.

Is personal information collected about your site visit?

Visitor logs are used on this SWSLHD internet site for statistical purposes only.

Is personal information collected in feedback provided by visitors?

Visitors are welcome to provide feedback about SWSLHD when they visit the website. SWSLHD collects some personal information from the information you provide about our services.

What does SWSLHD do with personal information provided in feedback?

Email addresses provided to this site will only be used to respond to enquiries and will not be added to mailing lists, or disclosed to any other party without the user's consent, unless required to do so by law.

Personal information will be kept in safe custody, sufficient to prevent unauthorised access, and will properly handled to ensure its safety, integrity and confidentiality. Circumstances in which SWSLHD may be required to disclose this information to a law enforcement agency include:

  • Unauthorised tampering or interference with files published on a SWSLHD site
  • Unauthorised attempts to access files which are not published on the SWSLHD site
  • Attempts to intercept messages of other users of SWSLHD site
  • Communications which are defamatory, abusive, vilify individuals or give rise to a suspicion that an offence is being committed
  • Attempts to otherwise compromise the security of the web server.
  • Breach the laws of the State of NSW or the Commonwealth of Australia.

Do you want to know more about how your privacy is protected?
SWSLHD observes the information privacy principles set out in The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Record Information Privacy Act 2002 when collecting and dealing with any personal or health information.

NSW Health has a Privacy Management Plan which identifies how all NSW Health agencies comply with the Privacy Act.

NSW Health also has a Privacy web site that explains the policies and practices of NSW Health in respect of information privacy.

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© 2025 South Western Sydney Local Health District
Page last updated: 08 May, 2020