SWS Executives

Sonia Marshall

Sonia Marshall PSM(she/her)
Chief Executive

Sonia’s 30-year journey in healthcare began as an intensive care nurse at Griffith Base Hospital where her dedication to patient care and innovation set the foundation for an extraordinary career. She was appointed Deputy Director of Nursing and Midwifery at Wagga Wagga Hospital, before taking on a number of nursing and health leadership roles in rural, regional and urban areas.

She joined South Western Sydney Local Health District in 2016, and initially held the role of Executive Director Nursing, Midwifery and Performance. Now, as Chief Executive, Sonia leads with a clear vision for the future of healthcare for the District. Accountable to the SWSLHD Board, she leads the Executive Leadership Team in delivering safe, equitable, and high-quality healthcare to our diverse communities. Her commitment to governance and strategic leadership drives the District's mission, ensuring that every person from Bankstown to Bowral receives the care they deserve.

Sonia is also passionate about the future of healthcare, through teaching and mentoring, and fostering research. She established the South Western Sydney Nursing and Midwifery Research Alliance, partnering with the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and seven universities. She is Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University and Honorary Principal Fellow, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health at University of Wollongong.

Karen McMenamin

Karen McMenamin
Executive Director Operations & Performance

Born and raised in South western Sydney, Karen started her journey in healthcare in 2004 as a clinical nurse when she relocated to Victoria in her early twenties. She then took on a number of leadership roles within Healthscope, before moving to Western Australia to oversee the development of Fiona Stanley Hospital.

She returned to south western Sydney in 2018 as General Manager, Liverpool Hospital. In her current role as Executive Director, she fosters a culture of excellence, innovation, and accountability for the District’s network of six hospitals, Mental Health, and Primary and Community Health Services. Karen is responsible for managing the clinical operations and performance across the District, ensuring health services are delivered with the highest quality and efficiency through strategic leadership, financial oversight, and the seamless integration of clinical services to meet best practice standards.


Karen McMenamin

Kate Reakes
Director Healthier Communities




Brenda Gillard

Brenda Gillard
Director, Clinical Governance

The Director of Clinical Governance is responsible for establishing, directing and managing the District's Clinical Governance function to promote and support patient safety and clinical excellence within health services.

The Director provides high level expert advice to the Chief Executive on all clinical governance issues and works collaboratively with other members of the District and Facility Executive to analyse, maintain and improve patient safety and clinical quality systems across the District.

Angy Dinevska

Angy Dinevska(she/her)
Director, People and Culture

Angy Dinevska the District in August 2024 as the Director of People and Culture. She is responsible for ensuring our workforce is engaged and empowered to provide excellent, high-quality care to our community.

With a career spanning over 15 years, Angy has garnered substantial experience within purpose-driven sectors, including health, aged care and medical research. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Commerce in Human Resources Management from the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

Angy is dedicated to creating workplace environments where people are enabled to thrive and grow. She has a strong track record in building and leading innovative strategies that empower staff and enhance organisational effectiveness. She has led workplace culture programs to promote collaboration, wellbeing and positive outcomes for stakeholders.

Angy is proud to call south western Sydney home and contributing to the health of her community.

Angy Dinevska

Angela Davey
A/Director, Finance

The Director of Finance is responsible for the planning, monitoring and reporting of the District's financial resources.

This includes budget development, financial advice on new programs and activities and the financial implementation of National Health Reform and activity based funding.

The Director is also responsible for ensuring appropriate policies and controls are in place to safeguard the District's assets and finances.

Simone Proft

Simone Proft
Director, Strategy, Partnerships and Research

The Director of Strategy and Partnerships provides leadership in defining the strategic course for the District ensuring a sharp focus on long term strategic priorities and that shorter term plans are aligned with these directions with overall responsibility for the day to day management of the Clinical Innovation and Business Unit.

The Director manages a team of staff in supporting a large number of innovations, major high cost contracts, tenders and model of care redesign.  This position also manages a strategic portfolio, the Affiliated Health Organisations and the ministerial funded non-government organisations; inter-district clinical programs and a large number of strategic partnership projects.

Jemma Milloy

Jemma Milloy
Director Aboriginal Health





Dr Brett Oliver
Director, Medical Services



Helen Goldsack
Director, Nursing and Midwifery Services

The Director of Nursing provides effective leadership to the nursing and midwifery professions across the District. The Director is also responsible for developing and implementing a framework for continuous improvement in the quality of service and practice, safeguarding high standards of care, encouraging excellence in clinical practice and innovation through promotion of clinical governance, education and research and support effective patient flow, appropriate utilisation of hospital care settings and development of ambulatory and community-based health services

The Director of Nursing and Midwifery ensures workforce planning and effective people management strategies are in place that attract, recruit, develop and retain quality nursing and midwifery staff to provide excellent patient care to the community served by the District.

Sue Colley

Sue Colley
Director, Allied Health

The Director of Allied Health provides effective clinical and professional leadership to the allied health professions across the District. These professions include: audiology, counselling, diversional therapy, music therapy, nutrition and dietetics, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology, social work, speech pathology and welfare.  It also supports pharmacy for some professional functions. Allied Health work within all facilities and services across SWSLHD.

The Director is also responsible for developing and implementing a framework for continuous improvement in the quality of service and practice, workforce planning and effective people management strategies and processes in order to support excellent patient care and a safe , supportive work environment.

Michael Dickinson

Damian Harrington
Director, Capital Works and Infrastructure

The Director of Capital works and Infrastructure oversees all aspects of strategic service planning, delivery, management, governance and leadership of the District’s sites and facilities.

This includes capital works projects (major and minor), facility and asset management, engineering, fire services, biomedical engineering and planning (strategic, clinical and corporate).

The Director also oversees redevelopment projects within the District, which include approximately $3 billion of works at Campbelltown, Liverpool, Bankstown and Bowral Hospitals and a number of joint ventures.

Michael Dickinson

Michael Dickinson
Director, Digital Health

The Director of Digital Health provides leadership and vision that drives innovation and digital health service delivery for the District. Digital health is key to the delivery of safe patient care and is fostered through clinical and consumer involvement when developing and implementing high-level strategic planning that is also in line with NSW Health and eHealth strategic directions, together with the District’s strategic and operational plans.

Bridging the gap between technical and clinical teams ensures we provide systems and technologies that enable clinicians and consumers to communicate and access the information they need to deliver high-quality, effective and efficient care. This includes implementing and enhancing the use of virtual care, electronic medical records, digital operating theatres, digital enabled redevelopments, cyber security, digital health policy, ICT operations, enterprise architecture, service desk, telecommunications and web development.

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Page last updated: 14 January, 2025