GrantsPlease click on the following link for upcoming grant, conference and training opportunities: Requesting a Letter of Support Please complete the below template and submit to SWSLHD-ResearchDirectorate@health.nsw.gov.au no later than 2 weeks prior to the due date stipulated by the administering institution. Information Required for Grant Letter of Support If you are unsure whether you need a Letter of Support, please see the below process: The Grant Application Decision Tool is used by researchers who are applying for grants which are either led by, or involve SWSLHD. The flowchart goes through a series of questions to determine whether a delegate from SWSLHD need to sign a grant application and/or letter of support. If a signature is required by SWSLHD, please allow at least two weeks processing time. If you are intending to apply for a grant, please make contact with the Development Support Manager as soon as you become aware of the grant. Click on the image below to open the document