Research and Ethics Office

Translational Research Grants Scheme (TRGS)

Round 8 of the NSW Health Translational Research Grants Scheme (TRGS) opened on 19 February 2024. In Round 8 of the Scheme, funds will be made available to support research projects that will translate into better patient outcomes, health service delivery, and population health and wellbeing.

As with previous rounds, in Round 8, Expression of Interests (EOIs) will be capped to a maximum of five (5) per LHD (“Host Organisation”). You are strongly encouraged to review the resources found on the TRGS website once they are made available, and begin discussions with collaborators from partner organisations as soon as possible. It is essential that you read the guidelines and ensure that your proposed project aligns with the requirements of the grant.

Given the limit on the number of submissions per organisation, you will be required to submit a completed EOI form for competitive review. The review panel will work with the selected suitable applications and support them in further refining the EOI. Please note, as this will be a competitive process, your final EOI may not be selected for submission. The EOI should be submitted to the Research Directorate at by no later than 5pm, 15 May 2024.

In round 8, there are four key priority research areas:

  • Models of care
  • Surgical innovation
  • Locally identified needs
  • Aboriginal and rural health

The above priority areas are to be considered when submitting an EOI, ensuring they align with the strategic plans for the District and can be justified as required in the EOI. All EOIs must align to the SWSLHD Strategic Plan 2022-2027, SWSLHD Research Strategy to 2023 and, where appropriate, any other relevant District plans or strategies.

Applicants are encouraged to partner with other research organisations such as universities and medical research institutes, however, research projects must be led by an employee of a host organisation within the health system. The scheme is designed to accelerate the development of research capability and evidence translation within NSW Health.

An information session has been arranged by OHMR for:
Date: Wednesday, 6th March 2024
Time: 10am – 1pm
Venue: Virtual, via Microsoft Teams (please register your interest to receive the weblink)

Please register your interest in attending the webinar by emailing Once you have registered your attendance, the meeting link will be provided. Please note that the webinar will be recorded.

If you intend to submit an application and have any further queries please contact Rachel Goldrick from the Research Directorate on 0484 595 642 or by email to SWSLHD-

Round 7

Applications to TRGS (Round 7) are closed and undergoing review. An outcome will be made available for this round in November 2024.

Round 6

SWSLHD is proud to share that the project titled: Tharawal Holistic Indigenist Metabolic Clinic: A replicability and adaptability study to improve metabolic health in Aboriginal clients of an Aboriginal Medical Service led by Mr Nathan Jones was awarded funding in TRGS (Round 6).


© 2016 South Western Sydney Local Health District
Last Updated: 05 March, 2024
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