Feto-Maternal Unit

Staff Profiles


Dr John Smoleniec

Director Feto-Maternal Unit, Conjoint Associate Professor University of NSW, Senior Staff Specialist SWSLHD.

Qualifications: BScHons (Mechanical Engineering), MBBCh, FROCG, CMFM, RCOG & RANZCOG.

Research Qualifications: Preterm Fetal Behavioural States and risk of SIDS-awarded a Doctorate of Medicine University of Bristol.

Clinical interests include: Fetal therapy, SGA-clinical management, Monochorionic twins-placental vascular anastamoses and clinical correlation, Rhesus disease -early onset <20-22 weeks, neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Dr Brian Hollis

Senior Staff Specialist in Obstetrics SWSLHD and Private Obstetrician.

Dr Hollis received his primary medical degree in South Africa. After moving to the UK he obtained Membership of the RCOG, Certificate of Specialist Training, RCR/RCOG Diploma in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound. He worked as a Lecturer and Research Fellow then Consultant in the Fetal Medicine Unit at St Georges Hospital. On immigrating to Australia Dr Hollis accepted his current postion as Senior Staff Specilaist in Obstetrics and commenced private practice obstetrics. He has been awarded Fellowship of the RANZCOG.

Qualifications: MBCLB, MRCOG, FRANZCOG

Special interests: Fetal Medicine, reducing obstetric intervention and normalising pregnancy and labour for low risk women.

Dr Alan Adno

Dr Alan Adno did his undergraduate and post graduate specialisation in Johannesburg, South Africa. He spent 20 years in private practice in association with his father Dr Jack Adno at the Park Lane Clinic. He always had an interest in ultrasound as well as the investigation and treatment of couples with infertiltiy. He was instrumental in setting up a fertility clinic at the Johannesburg Hospital / Park Lane Clinic performing ART.

Since emigrating to Australia with his family in 2006 he has worked as a Senior staff Specialist at Liverpool Hospital. While working in the Feto-Matenal Unit he obtained the Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasounf (DDU - 2008). he has maintained a keen interest in training registrars and is an accreditied RANZCOG examiner for the In House Ultrasound Module.

He has an interest in the diagnosis and management of fetal anomalies, antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies, growth restriction, stillbirth and the management of certain high risk pregnancies. He also leads the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Clinic.

Dr Adno is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the UNSW. For the past 2 years he has undertaken the role of Head of Department O&G.

Qualifications: MB, Bch, MSc, FRCOG, FRANZCOG, DDU.


Dr Raiyomand Dalal

Dr Dalal is a Staff Specilaist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals and conjoint Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney. He is affiliated to the Feto-Maternal Unit at Liverpool Hospital and is a visiting faculty member.

Having completed his postgraduate training in India, he joined the Feto-Maternal Unit as a Fellow in High Risk Obstetrics from 2004-2007.

In his current role Dr Dalal facilitates care of high-risk obstetric women from the Macarthur region, including tertiary level perinatal ultrasound service at the Feto-Maternal Unit at Liverpool Hospital; with antenatal, birthing and postnatal services being maintained at Campbelltown Hospital. Dr Dalal provides training in obstetric ultrasound to postgradaute trainees and is an assessor for the In House Clinical Assessment Ultrasound Module for the RANZCOG.


Professional memberships: RANZCOG, ASUM, ISUOG, PSANZ, SOMANZ.

Special interest: stillbirth and its antecedents.

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Last Updated: 26 November, 2013
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