CANCER GENETICS![]() Hereditary cancer accounts for approximately 5-10% of cancer diagnoses. The Cancer Genetics service assesses individuals and their families to determine whether a hereditary cancer predisposition may be present, and provides risk management advice when a predisposition is identified. The Cancer Genetics clinic at Liverpool hospital accepts referrals for patients across South West Sydney Local Health District. Guidelines for referral including referral criteria to the Cancer Genetics service can be found at Referral guidelines | eviQ (https://www.eviq.org.au/cancer-genetics/referral-guidelines). Our team includes Genetic Counsellors (Verna Fargas, Fatima Riaz and Samantha Sandelowsky), and Cancer Genetics Specialist (Dr Emilia Ip). We start by taking a detailed family history and collecting relevant medical reports. Then an assessment is made, to determine the chance that a hereditary gene fault might be the cause of cancer in the family. Sometimes genetic testing is available, and this is arranged with genetic counselling. Genetic counselling is a non-judgmental communication process helping individuals and families to understand genetic information. In most families, genetic testing is unlikely to explain the personal and family history of cancer. All patients can have personalised risk management discussions, including families with and without a gene fault. Information about how genetics contributes to cancer development, and recommendations for prevention and surveillance based on family history or genetic test results is provided. When a heritable gene fault is identified in the family, the implications and testing for family members (predictive testing) is also discussed. Further information can be found at https://www.genetics.edu.au/ High Risk Women’s Clinic Women who are at a high risk of breast cancer due to a heritable gene fault may be able to have surveillance and risk management coordinated through the High Risk Women’s Clinic. Women are invited to join this clinic following genetic counselling, if appropriate. Women may be accepted into this service from external referrals, but it is recommended that referring doctors first contact the Cancer Genetics service to determine eligibility. How do I get an appointment? You will need a referral from your GP or specialist addressed to Dr Emilia Ip Genetics and sent by: In the referral please include details about the family history and whether there has been any genetic testing in the family. What happens next? Before an appointment is arranged, additional personal or family history information may be needed. You may receive a family history questionnaire by post or email, or a phone call from a Genetic Counsellor. Once the necessary information has been gathered, you will be offered an appointment. Please note that referrals are triaged according to clinical urgency. The current wait time for routine referrals is around 6 months. If you feel that you referral requires more urgent attention, please do not hesitate to contact the department to discuss your referral with a Genetic Counsellor. Contact us Phone: 02 8738 9746