Liverpool Hospital is a 15 minute walk from the Liverpool train station and bus interchange.
Trains to Liverpool station run on the T2, T3 and T5 lines. To plan your trip, call the Transport Infoline on 131500 or visit Transport for NSW has a number of smartphone apps to help you plan your trip
The following bus services stop at Liverpool Hospital (corner Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets): 801, 802, 804, 805, 806, 808, 819, 823, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 865 and 866 on their way to the Liverpool train station and bus interchange.
The following bus services stop at Bigge Park (near the corner Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets): 823, M90, 902, 903 and 904 opposite Liverpool Hospital coming from the bus interchange.
The following bus services stop only at the Liverpool train station and bus interchange, and not at Liverpool Hospital: T80, 870, 871 and 872.
A direct phone to a taxi service is located near the ATM (between Taste Baguette and Lift D)at Entrance J and the Emergency Department. When using a taxi phone, just follow the prompts and say where you are going. The phone has been programmed with its location which is sent to the taxi company.
The Home and Community Care program provides Community Transport to frail aged, younger people with disabilities, carers and families.
For more information or to make a booking, phone 1300 138 794 or visit South West Community Transport.