Bowral & District HospitalServicesInpatient UnitThe Paediatric Unit is a five bed inpatient unit caring for children up to 18 years of age. During busy times two additional swing beds are available. Medical staff includes two Staff Paediatricians and an Advanced Trainee in Paediatrics. Nursing staff include a Nursing Unit Manager, Clinical Nurse Educator, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Registered and Enrolled Nurses. One parent or carer is encouraged to room in overnight with their child; a fold out sofa lounge is provided in the room. Mothers of babies and young children are also provided with complimentary carer’s meals. The unit also has a beverage bay that parents or carers can utilise. There are several activities available for children to do during their stay including craft, puzzles, books and selected toys. A TV is also available in each room at no additional cost. Visiting Hours: Between 7.30am - 8.00pm
BARKS - Bowral Acute Review Kids ServiceBARKS is a follow up referral service located within the Paediatric Unit. The service provides care and review for acutely unwell children that have visited the Emergency Department in the previous 24hours and that would benefit from ongoing Paediatrician review and follow up. BARKS also provides care for children with chronic and complex care issues that may need ongoing nursing care interventions and support. In addition, BARKS may facilitate earlier discharge home from hospital with ongoing follow up by telephone or Paediatrician medical review after discharge. BARKS operates 7 days per week.
Paediatric Outpatient ClinicsThe Paediatric Unit is supported by a weekly outpatient clinic led by a paediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist in conjunction with the Paediatrician. Children who have been discharged from the ward or children with complex needs in the community are seen in the clinic. The Paediatric Outpatient Clinic also operates Monday to Friday for referral appointments with a Paediatrician. Hours of Operation: 8.30am - 5.00pm by appointment only
Special Care NurseryThe Paediatric Unit also incorporates a 2 bed Special Care Nursery caring for term newborns and premature infants from 36 weeks gestation. Visiting Hours: Between 7.30am - 8.00pm Parents and designated carer may visit at any time Clinical Leaders Dr Richard Hart, Head of Paediatrics and Neonatology