Welcome to Liverpool Hospital. I hope you find the information on our site to be helpful and if you are thinking of joining the Liverpool Hospital team, I am sure you will find it a useful insight into our hospital. Any suggestions for additional information are most welcome and can be sent via the feedback page.
Liverpool Hospital is located approximately 50 minutes drive from the Sydney CBD. It began as a tent hospital for convicts and soldiers in the 1790's and now provides a health service of international standing, with 25 operating theatres, capacity for 877 beds, diagnostic and imaging services, emergency and trauma care, maternity, paediatric, cancer care, mental health, ambulatory care, allied health and medical and surgical services from birth to aged care.
The Hospital is the major health service for south-western Sydney, providing services to the local government area of Liverpool City Council as well as district services to residents and visitors in the area. It also provides a range of statewide services in areas such as critical care and trauma, neonatal intensive care and brain injury rehabilitation.
Liverpool City and south-western Sydney is home to people from diverse cultures, religious and languages, making our community vibrant and exciting. We are situated in one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia and sit within an education and health precinct which includes the Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, a Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, the Clinical Schools of the University of NSW and University of Western Sydney, South West Private Hospital and South Western Sydney TAFE.
Our Hospital is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) project will provide enhanced facilities and an increased capacity to meet future significant population growth for South Western Sydney. This significant redevelopment will improve the overall quality of health care and enable a more integrated service, encouraging the participation and partnership of health, research and education providers within the greater Liverpool area.
Liverpool Hospital is a principal referral and teaching Hospital of the University of NSW and the Western Sydney University and also welcome students from over 20 universities and colleges. You may be approached by one of our trainees or students whilst a patient in the hospital and, while it is always your choice as to whether you agree to be treated by a student under the supervision of senior staff, I appreciate the learning opportunities our patients provide to the teaching of student health professionals and thank you for participating in our students' learning.
All staff at Liverpool Hospital are committed to patient safety and quality care. We participate in the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program, incorporating the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety Accreditation Standards and have achieved full accreditation status of the Council.
We are also a clean hands hospital and committed to preventing hospital infections. Therefore we ask you to please use the hand hygiene gels before entering and leaving the Hospital ward and after patient contact.
I look forward to welcoming you to our Hospital in the future. If we can assist you as you prepare for your admission to Hospital or if you are interested in working at Liverpool Hospital, please feel free to contact my office on 02 8738 6301 or the Patient Liaison Officer on 02 8738 6632.
Scott McGrath
General Manager