Welcome to Fairfield Hospital

Fairfield Hospital is a 220 bed major metropolitan hospital situated in the South West of Sydney approximately 45 minute drive from the Sydney city centre, in one of the most multicultural and diverse communities in Australia. Fairfield Hospital an Australian Council on Healthcare Standards [ACHS] accredited facility.

Find out more about Getting to Fairfield Hospital.

The hospital provides a wide range of hospital and community based health services to the people of Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA). These include:

  • Acute care services in medicine, cardiology, surgery, orthopaedics, obstetrics, paediatrics, and emergency medicine
  • Sub-acute care in Geriatrics / Rehabilitation and through the Ambulatory Care Unit in association with Fairfield Community Health Services and Renal Dialysis Unit.

Each year Fairfield Hospital admits over 30,000 patients; performs over 7,000 surgical procedures, delivers over 1,500 babies, has over 35,000 presentations to the Emergency Department and over 200,000 outpatient encounters. We have a range of staff dedicated to providing the best possible care and service.

Fairfield Hospital is home to the Whitlam Joint Replacement Centre (WJRC) - A recognised Centre of Excellence for elective orthopaedic surgery. The WJRC provides a regional service in elective joint replacement for the Fairfield, Liverpool, Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals.

The hospital currently provides:

  • Level 4 Clinical Services as defined by NSW Health role delineation guide;
  • Level 3 Maternity & Neonatal services supported by the obstetric service located at Liverpool Hospital; and
  • Level 3 Paediatric Services.

A dedicated Hand Centre was established at Fairfield Hospital, in September 2013, in a new demountable building next to the Whitlam Joint Replacement Centre. The official opening of the Hand Centre occurred in October 2013 by the NSW Health Minister. The Hand Centre incorporates the pre and post-operative clinical assessment and management of hand injuries, as well as hand therapy support. The outpatient clinic has been designed to support a streamlined model of medical assessment, hand therapy and dressing processes to create a positive patient experience while supporting lean work practice methodology for the clinicians.

Fairfield Hospital was originally located in East Fairfield and moved to its current location in 1988. Fairfield Hospital is a facility of South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWS LHD), which was established on 1 January 2011 as part of the Federal Government Health Reform Agreement. SWS LHD incorporates the following facilities: Liverpool, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Camden, Bankstown, Bowral and Braeside. Fairfield has formal and informal links with these facilities as well as with other Local Health Districts (i.e., Sydney LHD / Children’s Hospital Westmead).
Fairfield Hospital is committed to providing a quality service to the community we serve and this commitment is recognised by the number of State and Local Health District awards received in recent years.

Zero Tolerance
Zero tolerance is about keeping health staff, patients and visitors safe. You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to receive treatment in a violence free environment. Patients and visitors must not harass, abuse, threaten or put health staff, or any other person on health service premises at risk of physical or psychological harm.

Please note that visiting hours within the hospital vary between wards. It is best that visitors check with the appropriate ward prior to arriving at the hospital in order to avoid any inconvenience.

Find out more about visiting hours at Fairfield Hospital.

Fairfield Hospital is easy to get to by public transport or car as it is close to major arterial roads such as the M7, M5 and M4.

Find out more about Getting to Fairfield Hospital.

Parking is available within the hospital premises at a fee of $6.00* payable upon exit via pay station located within the front foyer of the Hospital. A drop off / pick up zone is accessible free of charge and is located outside the front entrance of the Hospital. Security is available to escort staff and visitors to their car on request.

Find out more about Car Parking.
*fee for parking is subject to change

Smoke Free
For the health of our patients, visitors and staff Fairfield Hospital is smoke free in accordance with NSW Health Smoke-free Health Care Policy (PD2015_003) and the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000. Compliance with the NSW Health Smoke-free Health Care Policy means that all NSW Health buildings, grounds and vehicles are smoke-free with the exception of designated outdoor smoking areas determined by Local Health District.

Please Note: Where appropriate and in line with the NSW Health Prosecution Policy and Guidelines, Penalty Infringement Notices (PINs) may be issued to staff, clients and visitors who fail to comply.

A smoke free environment assists us in providing a safe and healthy environment for our patients. Your cooperation with this policy is appreciated.

Hand Hygiene
We are dedicated to practicing good hand hygiene at Fairfield Hospital and have a number of hand hygiene stations located throughout the hospital equipped with antibacterial hand cleaners. We encourage you to take the time to clean your hands when in Fairfield Hospital as ‘clean hands save lives’.

Donations and Bequests
Any donations or bequests to Fairfield Hospital are greatly appreciated and will assist the hospital in purchasing valuable medical equipment and other resources to enhance the quality of patient care. Donations can be made at the Cashier located near the main entrance or via the red “DONATE” link at the top of the webpage.

Volunteers make a valuable contribution to Fairfield Hospital. They assist patients, visitors and are valuable members of our team. If you would like to become a volunteer at Fairfield Hospital please contact the Human Resources Manager on 9616 8120 for more information.

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Page last updated: 08 September, 2020