Mental Health Services

A new and different approach to support people experiencing suicidal crisis or distress.

We're not a clinic and we're not a hospital, but we can support you in your time of crisis. We're a warm and welcoming space run by peer workers who have been on a similar journey to you. We understand what it's like and are here to foster hope and recovery for anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide.


General information:

Health Professionals:

What makes Safe Haven different?

Safe Haven is a place to access immediate and professional mental health support in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

Get support easily

During our opening hours, you are welcome to come and go as you please. We are free to access, and you don’t need a referral or an appointment. There are no waiting times and you will be seen immediately by a peer worker. Check out our opening hours. We are open when other services are not.

No expectations or obligations

Safe Haven is a no judgement zone designed to empower you. Here, you can choose to speak with a staff member, sit quietly with a book, unwind with a board game, or relax in a private room. Your privacy and personal journey are honoured and respected.


Support with empathy

What sets us apart is our peer support staff who share common experiences to our guests. Their empathy allows them to connect deeply and meaningfully, creating a comfortable and safe environment where you can speak freely and openly.



“I went to Safe Haven during a moment of extreme emotional distress and thoughts of ending my life and I was greeted by the kindest man who let me in and let me cry and vent for over 3 hours. All I needed was for someone to talk to and Safe Haven saved my life that day.”

Since opening in May 2021, Safe Haven in NSW has helped hundreds of people feel safe, connected, and supported.

I'd like to know more about Safe Haven

What to expect when visiting Safe Haven Campbelltown

Who is it for

Safe Haven is for anyone experiencing thoughts of suicide. You might be feeling hopeless, like nothing is worthwhile anymore, that there's no point to it all, or that no one would care if you were gone. Safe Haven is here to help you.

Getting support

During open hours, you are welcome at any time. Upon entry, our team at the front desk will have a quick chat with you to understand your situation and needs. There is no need to present a Medicare card or ID. You can choose what to do during your visit and can leave as you wish if you find it's not a good fit. Here are some of the things you can do while at Safe Haven:

  • Talk one-on-one with our friendly staff
  • Grab a free tea or coffee
  • Relax on our couches, bean bags or mats, or enjoy our garden and outdoor area
  • Learn about local community and other support programs available
  • Sit back in the massage chair
  • Read a book or listen to music
  • Work with the team to create your own safety plan
  • Play games or do puzzles

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I share my story? Will it be kept confidential?

Absolutely. Safe Haven follows strict privacy protocols and you have the option to access the service completely anonymously.

Can I choose which peer worker I speak to?

Yes, if you prefer to speak to a peer worker of the same age group, gender, or cultural background, you can request that. Call us during our open hours so we can make arrangements for you.

What if I would like to speak my own language?

Translation and AUSLAN services are available. We also have peer workers who can speak several languages so please call us to request before your visit.

I’m not sure if this is the right service for me, can I still go?

Yes. Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of what you are going through and figure out what the best next steps are. During your visit, if you find that it’s not for you, you are free to come and go as you please.

How is it different from the emergency department (ED)?

Safe Haven is a dedicated space to access immediate mental health support from peer workers. There is no waiting around and no clinical assessment. Our peer workers provide person-centred care and take their time with each guest.

I want to bring a support person, can I?

Yes, you are welcome to bring a support person. This could be a family member, a health professional, or a friend.

For people caring for a child:

Our spaces in Campbelltown and Liverpool have private rooms that can be used for breastfeeding. Our Campbelltown space has a playground for younger children to play in during your visit.

For young people (under 16):

People aged 16 years and under need to be accompanied by a responsible adult when visiting Safe Haven

Information for health professionals

Safe Haven is an alternative service to attending ED for patients experiencing suicidal distress

The kind of support available at Safe Haven
What sets us apart is our peer workers who know what it’s like to go through distressing times. Informed by their lived experience, they connect with guests meaningfully and are trained to:

  • Deliver person-centred support during crisis
  • Assess and de-escalate emergencies
  • Make appropriate referrals
  • Develop safety plans
  • Fast-track ED pathways as needed

Frequently Asked Questions 

What can my patient expect when visiting?

Safe Haven is different to other services because there are no expectations or obligations. Your patient may choose to speak with our friendly staff, sit down with a book or play a game. We aim to support the individual to make empowered choices. Safe Haven is a dedicated space to unwind, connect and learn about the alternative options and services available when in distress.

How is this different from the service patients will get in an emergency department (ED)?

Safe Haven was purposely designed to have a calm and warm environment. Unlike ED's where many types of emergencies are attended to, Safe Haven is a dedicated space to access immediate mental health support from peer workers. There is no waiting around and no initial assessment. Our peer workers provide person-centred care and take their time with each guest.

Who are the peer workers at Safe Haven?

Safe Haven is staffed by peer workers who have been on a similar journey as your patient. They are not clinicians. They understand what your patient is going through and can offer a different kind of support, informed by their lived experience. Their empathy allows them to connect deeply and meaningfully, creating a comfortable and safe environment where guests can speak freely and openly.

How can I assure my patient that it is safe?

Our staff are trained and experienced to manage and de-escalate people experiencing suicidal crises. Most patients who attend Safe Haven are able to return home safely, equipped with safety strategies and next steps. While Safe Haven is a non-clinical service, there are robust escalation pathways so your patient will always remain safe whilst in the care of our service. Our services can also be accessed anonymously because there’s no need for identification. Respecting our guests' privacy is a top priority at Safe Haven.

How can I ensure that my patient gets there safely?

We want to ensure each guest arrives safely. We can provide taxi vouchers. Call us on 0457 093 109 to find out more.


Safe Haven Campbelltown

80 Woodhouse Drive, Ambarvale, NSW 2560

2-minute walk from the Ambarvale Public School or a 15-minute bus ride from the Campbelltown train station.

Opening hours (Including Public Holidays):

Friday 12pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 12pm - 7:30pm
Sunday 12pm - 7:30pm
Monday 12pm - 7:30pm

We want to ensure each guest arrives safely. We can provide taxi vouchers, call us on 0457 093 109 to find out more.

Safe Haven Liverpool

Tennis Court House, Moore Street Liverpool (opposite Bus Terminal)

Opening hours (Including Public Holidays):

Friday 12pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 12pm - 7:30pm
Sunday 12pm - 7:30pm
Monday 12pm - 7:30pm

We want to ensure each guest arrives safely. We can provide taxi vouchers, call us on 0499 825 974 to find out more.



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Page last updated: 07 November, 2024