Oran Park Family Health

Construction of Stage One of Oran Park Family Health (OPFH) is now complete, in a 642m2 street-frontage leasehold site within the Oran Park Town Podium retail precinct.

The facility includes eight (8) GP consult rooms, a three (3)-bed treatment room, four (4) Allied Health consult rooms, four (4) Specialist suites, plus space for Medical Imaging, Pathology collection and Physiotherapy. Shared spaces include a meeting/ training room, hot-desk work stations plus a common waiting area, reception, practice manager's office and staff amenities. Co-located in a tenancy next door, with shared egress to the waiting area, is a retail pharmacy.

The purpose of OPFH is to provide multidisciplinary evidence-based care that is patient-centred and team-based, whilst respecting autonomy and choice. From the patients' perspective, integrated care at OPFH will mean:

  • A single point of entry to all relevant care

  • Consistency in the quality of service delivery irrespective of the provider

  • Continuity of care and handover between services

  • A single point of billing for services delivered

In a visionary partnership, SWSLHD, SWSML and UWS School of Medicine agree that the future health needs of the growth corridor will be best met through progressive investment in evidence-based primary and ambulatory care, not more hospital beds. Establishment of an Integrated Primary Care Centre (IPCC) network is a key deliverable for this vision.



Creating an IPCC represents a three (3) stage hierarchical development of services.

Stage One, services focus on General Practice-led, team-based primary care. The initial priority is to engage GPs, supported by Practice Nursing, Diagnostic Services (Pathology collection, Medical Imaging), key Allied Health Practitioners (e.g. Physiotherapy) and select Community Health services (e.g. Child & Family Nursing). Depending on measured need, other Allied Health Practitioners will be engaged on a sessional basis (e.g. Diabetes Education, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Psychology, and Speech Pathology).

Stage Two, becomes viable once the service population exceeds 4,000 registered patients. The priority for additional services includes attracting visiting Medical Specialists on a sessional basis, with the aim to draw on a broader catchment area.

Stage Three, becomes viable once the service population exceeds 18,000 registered patients. With a focus on a much wider catchment area, this represents a significantly larger, more diverse facility. Whilst incorporating those services matured through stages one and two, it may also include resident medical specialist suites, day surgery, ambulatory care clinics (possibilities may include chemotherapy and renal dialysis), dentistry plus advanced diagnostics.
To deliver on patient expectations, OPFH will incorporate a range of evidence-based strategies shown to enable integrated care. These include:

  • Linked information and communications technology (ICT) systems for all staff, sub-tenants and contractors

  • Building on the requisite interoperable ICT platform, a cross-enterprise document sharing (XDS) system will support safe, real-time sharing of electronic clinical information between the providers' range of software applications

  • A common corporate and clinical governance framework for all services onsite

  • An active commitment to the provision of culturally appropriate services

  •  Models of care that:

    • Engage GPs in health assessments and care coordination
    • Provide access to a range of co-located Allied Health Practitioners
    • Support linkages for providers with the broader role of publicly-funded Community Health, including specialised teams (e.g. Mental Health, Drugs & Alcohol; Oral Health; Child, Family & Youth Health Services etc); plus population-based and networking activities with other relevant government agencies and social welfare services

Oran Park Podium

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Page last updated: 25 May, 2017